News Community
Oct 14, 2021
Art with Heart ❤️ Connects the World
Kabuto supports the Clarissa Creative Foundation, a tuition-free arts programs to economically or socially disadvantaged youths. We also believe in the power of art in uniting people and beautifying the world. Because a world without art ...
May 12, 2021
"P(inked)" Flamingo Charity Auction
How cool is that? Our Horikei inked a gnarly silver flamingo with an elegant dragon tattoo for local "P(inked)" flamingo charity auction. Proceeds from the sale of the flamingos were donated to both Black Lives Matter and Asian Americans Advancing Justice...
Mar 20, 2021
Stop Asian Hate Rally March 2021 ❤️🖤
In March 2021, a mass shooting occurred at three spas in Atlanta, killing eight people, including six Asian women. This tragedy occurred right around the time Horikei and I founded Kabuto, and it affected me deeply. Even though racism against Asian Americans is nothing new to those who experienced it, this time it felt different. The senseless killings woke me up and motivated me to get out of my bunker and engage with the world again...